Provider Organization Name (Legal Business Name) The Parent Organization LBN field can only be completed if the answer to the subpart question is Yes. If the organization is a subpart, the Parent Organization Legal Business Name (LBN) field must be completed. The "parent"-we don't know who the parent is in this example-must ensure that each subpart that submits its own claims to health plans has its own NPI. Each line of business represents a different Healthcare Provider Taxonomy or area of specialization that often submits its own electronic claims to health plans. Neither the pharmacy line of business nor the DME line of business represent legal entities instead, both lines of business are part of an organization (the "parent") that is a legal entity.

(3) A pharmacy fills prescriptions for patients whose physicians have prescribed medications for them and may also rent or sell durable medical equipment to patients whose physicians have ordered such equipment for them. The offices are examples of subparts that could have their own NPIs if the main location determines that they should. (2) A group practice that is not a sole proprietorship has a main location and could have other offices in different locations, but each office is not a separate legal entity instead, each office is part of the corporation (the "parent") which is a legal entity. The psychiatric unit is an example of a subpart that could have its own NPI if the hospital determines that it should. (1) The psychiatric unit in a hospital is not a legal entity but is part of the hospital (the "parent"), which is a legal entity. Here are three examples of organization health care providers that may be considered subparts and may apply for NPIs if so directed by their "parents": Many organization health care providers who apply for NPIs are not legal entities themselves but are parts of other organization health care providers that are legal entities (the "parents"). The Parent Organization LBN and TIN fields can only be completed if the answer to the subpart question is Yes. If the organization is a subpart =, the Parent Organization Legal Business Name (LBN) and Parent Organization Taxpayer Identification Number (TIN) fields must be completed. The "Is the organization a subpart?" question must be answered. 2 = (Non-person): entity other than an individual human being that furnishes health care (for example, hospital, SNF, hospital subunit, pharmacy, or HMO).1 = (Person): individual human being who furnishes health care.
#Matthews vu full
Full Replica of the CMS (NPPES) NPI Record Field Nameġ0-position all-numeric identification number assigned by the NPS to uniquely identify a health care provider.Ĭode describing the type of health care provider that is being assigned an NPI. On Friday, El Paso County Public Health announced a partnership with Matthews-Vu Medical Group to provide immunization services for children (by appointment only) at the Citizens Service Center.Reference NPI Information. Now, thanks to an innovative partnership with Matthews-Vu, we are able to bring immunization services back while continuing our intense focus on pandemic response and recovery efforts,” said El Paso County Public Health Director, Susan Wheelan. To accommodate the response, some programs and services are suspended. “Since March, we’ve had to enter into continuity of operations mode, with a large majority of our staff working in full-time COVID-19 response roles. On top of some families pushing off doctor’s visits, El Paso County Public Health has had to reassign nurses normally assigned immunization efforts to assignments tied to the COVID-19 long term care facility strike team. And then decontaminating that room after they leave.”

“Many of them, I can speak for ours, we have protocols in place to screen patients just before they even come into the building to move them back to their room without touching any surfaces. “Coming to a doctor’s office is probably the safest place you can go in this community,” Dr.